Accountability chart👏

Give yourself 1 point for each category (up to 3 points for exercise)

✅ Give yourself 1 point for limiting or not having soda products (including diet). Working towards eliminating all together. Just because it doesn’t contain calories doesn’t mean it should be consumed.😜

✅ Eating 3-5 times per day helps to keep your blood sugar stabilized. Try to eat smaller meals off of smaller plates. If you’re still hungry, go back for more veggies. Snacks are fine as long as they aren’t highly processed. 🫐🍎

✅ Give yourself 1 point for making at least 1/2 of your plate vegetables. Think of lean proteins as your side and vegetables, fruits and whole grains as your main course. The more colors consumed the better. Try eating as many non-processed foods as possible. 🥦

✅ Give yourself 1 point for sitting down and savoring your found without any distractions and without rushing. Food is meant to be nourishing and enjoyed ❤️

✅ Give yourself 1 point for trying new fruits and vegetables or preparing them in a different way. Roasting vegetables really brings out a whole new flavor. Keep trying different flavors. The more colors, the more nutrients. 🌈

✅ Give yourself 1 point for brushing your teeth or popping a minty piece of gum in your mouth to cleanse your mouth and change the chemistry. You’re a lot less likely to want to eat more after that.

✅ Give yourself 1 point for not having an alcoholic beverage at all or 1 per day for females and 2 per day for males. 🍷*6oz wine, 1.5 oz liquor, 12 oz beer. Not only are you consuming empty calories, but consuming more than the limited is linked to heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.

✅ Give yourself 1 point for getting 7-9 hours of sleep. Restful sleep should be a priority. It’s hard to stay healthy without it. 😴

✅ Give yourself 1 point for 30 minutes of exercise, 2 points for 60 minutes and 3 points for 90 minutes. Studies show that It is better to move throughout the day than all in one bought. Keep your body moving each hour. ⛹️‍♀️🏊‍♀️🚴‍♂️🏋️‍♀️

✅ Give yourself 1 point for helping to decrease your stress level by meditation, venting to a friend, going for a walk, reading a book etc. 🧘🏼

✅ Give yourself 1 point for drinking 1/2 your body weight in oz. of water (ie 60oz per 120lbs.)

☀️Self care is so important - you can’t take care of others without taking care of yourself first. ❤️


Be kind to yourself.


“I don’t know what happened during Covid, but my body sure has changed!”